Friday, July 26, 2024

It's been a hot minute!

Life has a way of bringing you around full circle. After the birth of my third child I slowed down scrapbooking. Then when my fourth came, I stopped all together. Now that everyone is getting older, they want to see photos of them growing up. Unfortunately, I fell into the digital era of, "it's on the SD card" and I'll print it out some day. Well, someday has come and gone, two have graduated and moved on with their grown up lives. Time waits for no one. So, time for me to get back on the bandwagon of scrapbooking! 

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Baby It's Cold Outside!!!

Burrrrr! It is just freezing outside. And there seems to not be a whole lot of light at the end of the tunnel here. Looks like another week of this 0-20degree weather.  I thank God for our many blessings!  Like HEAT!!!  

Here's the kids sledding down Sugar Valley dam.  Yes, that is Garrett rolling down it,,, on purpose!  Gabbie had the sled and he improvised! Gabbie went with coaxing from brother.  They had a blast and didn't stop until their cheeks were rosie!   Be watching how you can take these photos and make a page layout!  Winter pics are so much fun!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas time is here!

Christmas is here! Christ-Mary-And-Son! I am getting the scrapbooking table back out and getting ready to have a ball with the kids. They love looking at themselves when they were babies. Garrett turned 7 last week, Jeff and I can't hardly believe it! Gabbie is having fun with crafts, mostly paints. And Janessa has "found her voice" it is way to funny! Garrett totes her around like his very own, changes diapers, &plays with her,,,that is amazing to me.

All right you scrap'n friends of mine.... Get ready for a crop till you drop night in January. We are going to be putting a year together in a night!!! I am so excited! Because I haven't started a book for Janessa yet and I hope to gt hers up to date then.

Be looking for details!!! God Bless, and Merry Christmas!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Spring is here!

Hello everyone! I have been putting my business on the back burner lately! So sorry for that. Alot has been going on. My main focus has been that I am now 24 weeks pregnant today! Yeah.... It had been almost 6 years and no baby so Jeff and I did a round of fertility medication and here we are now! We are both so excited, and so are the kids, of course Gabbie wants a girl and Garrett wants a full grown 6 year old boy to play with! He cracks me up!

We are going to start monthly scrapdays again, the second Saturday of the month at 9:00am until the last person leaves! The first one is March 14th. The first Saturday is FREE!!! No charge, lunch and drinks are on me. After that just $5 each Saturday. We are going to be doing a page together for the season of that month and then you can crop to your hearts content!
Hope to see you there, Ginny

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Hello everyone! It has been an interesting past few months! There have been changes in my job, school started for our kiddos,(my baby started kindergarden) and my scrap booking room is under construction! I am hip wader deep with organization 101!!! My scrap room looked like a tornado went through it! Organizing can be like driving through a bad construction zone! But the end result is ooh so worth it!!!

For the rest of the school year, the first Friday of the month is going to be crop-till-ya-drop nights. These will be held at the Federated Church in Mound City, KS unless other wise told different. The evening will start at 6:30 pm and go until the last owl leaves! The cost is $10, this is for the use of my supplies, pizza, & drinks. The third Saturday of the month will be at my house. I am so excited to show you new ideas from Close to My Heart!

Thank you everyone for being patient the past couple of months! I appreciate every one's support in my scrap booking business!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Advisory panel

The advisory panel was very informational! We met with HP advertising & Walgreen's managers and learned how they are partnering together. The advisory panel was a group of wonderful women from the Kansas City area.. They were all business owners and successful women! See them on my link friends! Check them out! Amy and I even won in drawings! I got a HP photo smart digital camera and Amy won the HP photo printer! There was definitely lots of information to be learned there... Ladies if you want something go for it! Don't let the dream squashers take your dreams from you... Make a plan and follow it! I started with a blog and then got business cards. After that started making contacts through Amy Biggerstaff Photography. Amy has allowed me to place business cards in her office and we have done projects together... Sometimes you won't make money at what you try but it gets your name out there.. Statistics show that you have to be shown to someone 8-10 times before they will remember your business.

Friday, May 16, 2008


Hey everyone! I have told you that I am getting together information on starting your own business.. I have been invited by BSM Media who is working with Hewlett Packard to reach out to mom entrepreneurs in the Kansas City area. HP is hosting a Mompreneur advisory panel in order to learn about the creative and personal needs of Moms so that they can develop tools and solutions that fit the dynamic lifestyles of today's mompreneurs. After attending this, there will be even more information!!! All those talented women coming together for one common purpose! How awesome!

Ladies, what I can tell you is don't ever let anyone swash your dreams, no matter how big or small.. Start your business with a few family members, friends, and co-workers.. network out from there... ask for referrals with incentive so much percent off for each referral that purchases from you...

Here is my special for the month of June:
Order a scrapbook, give me a referral that orders a scrapbook and
receive $$$ off your next one!!!

Example: You order a 12x12 scrapbook, you refer a friend
who orders a scrapbook and you will receive $100 off your next book!!!

Here is the breakdown:

12x12= $100 off next book
8x10= $85 off next book
8x8= $75 off next book
6x6= $70 off next book
5x7= $65 off next book

That is incentive to get those photos out of the old shoebox!!!!