Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas time is here!

Christmas is here! Christ-Mary-And-Son! I am getting the scrapbooking table back out and getting ready to have a ball with the kids. They love looking at themselves when they were babies. Garrett turned 7 last week, Jeff and I can't hardly believe it! Gabbie is having fun with crafts, mostly paints. And Janessa has "found her voice" it is way to funny! Garrett totes her around like his very own, changes diapers, &plays with her,,,that is amazing to me.

All right you scrap'n friends of mine.... Get ready for a crop till you drop night in January. We are going to be putting a year together in a night!!! I am so excited! Because I haven't started a book for Janessa yet and I hope to gt hers up to date then.

Be looking for details!!! God Bless, and Merry Christmas!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Spring is here!

Hello everyone! I have been putting my business on the back burner lately! So sorry for that. Alot has been going on. My main focus has been that I am now 24 weeks pregnant today! Yeah.... It had been almost 6 years and no baby so Jeff and I did a round of fertility medication and here we are now! We are both so excited, and so are the kids, of course Gabbie wants a girl and Garrett wants a full grown 6 year old boy to play with! He cracks me up!

We are going to start monthly scrapdays again, the second Saturday of the month at 9:00am until the last person leaves! The first one is March 14th. The first Saturday is FREE!!! No charge, lunch and drinks are on me. After that just $5 each Saturday. We are going to be doing a page together for the season of that month and then you can crop to your hearts content!
Hope to see you there, Ginny