Sunday, March 1, 2009

Spring is here!

Hello everyone! I have been putting my business on the back burner lately! So sorry for that. Alot has been going on. My main focus has been that I am now 24 weeks pregnant today! Yeah.... It had been almost 6 years and no baby so Jeff and I did a round of fertility medication and here we are now! We are both so excited, and so are the kids, of course Gabbie wants a girl and Garrett wants a full grown 6 year old boy to play with! He cracks me up!

We are going to start monthly scrapdays again, the second Saturday of the month at 9:00am until the last person leaves! The first one is March 14th. The first Saturday is FREE!!! No charge, lunch and drinks are on me. After that just $5 each Saturday. We are going to be doing a page together for the season of that month and then you can crop to your hearts content!
Hope to see you there, Ginny